Room Analytics

Track the performance of your room’s streams and creator fund earnings with room analytics. Open your room menu and go to “Analytics.”


You will see the following metrics:

  • Views: Views are counted once per viewer for each live stream after 30 seconds of watch time. If your room streams twice in one day, for example, the same viewer could count as two views if they attend both streams. Viewers do not need a Playback account to be counted. Note: Views of recorded streams (i.e. “Replays”) are not yet reported in Analytics but will be added soon.
  • Watch time: Watch time tracks the cumulative viewing time from all viewers. If two viewers viewed a single stream for 1h each, your watch time would be 2h.
  • New members: New members are counted when someone first becomes a member of your room after tapping or clicking the “Join” button.
  • Estimated earnings: If your room is eligible for the creator fund, your earnings will be reported after each stream.

You can download a list of your room members (by username) who viewed your streams or became a room member each day.

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