
Manage Room Payouts

Room payouts

Playback rooms get paid on a monthly basis. Each calendar month is an earnings period and payouts are sent on the last day of the following month, e.g. February earnings are paid out on March 31st.

As the owner of a room, you can manage how your room’s earnings are paid to yourself and to any of your contributors. To manage your payouts, open your room menu and go to Settings > Payouts. You will see details about your earnings and payees broken out for each monthly payment period.


Set up your payout method

If you have not added a payout method, tap the link in your room payouts panel to open your Playback Wallet and complete your payout setup. See đź’µPlayback Wallet for more info.


Split your monthly earnings

As the room owner, you will get paid 100% of your room’s monthly earnings by default. If you want to share your revenue with other contributors, you can add more payees to your room.

Set up default payees

If you plan to share your earnings on an ongoing basis with a regular set of contributors, set your earnings split by adding a default payee. From your room menu go to Settings > Payouts and choose “Add payee” in the “Default payees” section.


A payee can be added in one of two ways:

  1. Percent split: You can enter a % amount to split your earnings proportionally. If you want to split your earnings evenly, choose the “equal” split option.
  1. Fixed amount: You can enter a precise $ value.

Insufficient funds to split

In the event that your room earns less than what you set aside for your fixed amount payees for a given month, all your month’s earnings will go to the fixed amount payees and none will go to percentage split payees. The payee with the highest fixed amount allocation will receive funds first.

Update payees for a specific earnings period

When a new earnings period begins, it will start by using your default payee settings. If you want to customize payee settings for a specific earning period, you can do so until the payout is sent. From your room menu go to Settings > Payouts and open an earnings period. You can edit the payees for the current month in progress or the previous month. These edits will only apply to the period you’re updating.


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đź’µPlayback Wallet