Room profile

Parent page

When visitors come to your room, they can learn more about your community, watch your published streams on demand and see your upcoming schedule on your room profile.


Your profile shows up when your room is offline or when visitors during a live stream tap on your room’s profile picture.

Customize your profile

You can customize your profile to express your brand and share info about your community. Go to the “Profile” section of your room settings.


The following profile assets can be customized:

Profile picture

Upload a square graphic to represent your room across Playback in places like home, search and your room.


Banner image

Upload a wide graphic to add branding to your profile page.


Featured clip

Upload a short video clip to show room visitors what your room is about.


Name, description and tags:

Name and describe your room. This will be displayed with your room and used for search.


Social links

Use your Playback room to promote your website and social channels.


Up next

Room membership